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NYC Ferry Summer & Holiday Schedules Changes

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May 16, 2023

Dear NYC Ferry Rider,

The new NYC Ferry Summer & Holiday Schedule changes will go into effect beginning Monday, May 22, 2023.

Everything you need to know about the upcoming service changes: 

  • Overall, there is increased seat capacity across the system. 
  • Modifications were made to the Rockaway route weekday schedule to use our highest-capacity vessels and reduce afternoon delays. 
  • Starting May 30, weekday South Brooklyn route service to Governors Island will be extended, until around 9:20 PM. 
  • On Summer weekends and holidays, NYC Ferry serves Governors Island by a direct shuttle from Pier 11. All NYC Ferry Riders can make a free transfer to the Governors Island Shuttle at Wall St/ Pier 11.
  • Please note that NYC Ferry will operate on a weekend schedule on the following holidays: Memorial Day, Juneteenth, July 4th, Labor Day


Click to preview & download the new schedule to plan your trip accordingly.

NYC Ferry Summer Schedules 

East River | ER Schedule Effective 5-22-2023

South Brooklyn | SB Schedule Effective 5-22-29-2023

Rockaway | RW Memorial Day Week Schedule effective 5-22-29-2023 (Increased RW weekend frequency during Memorial Day Weekend)

Astoria | AST Schedule Effective 5-22-2023

Soundview | SV Schedule Effective 5-22-2023

St. George | SG Schedule Effective 5-22-2023

Governors Island | GI Schedule Effective 5-27-2023

Rockaway | RW Schedule Effective 5-30-2023

South Brooklyn | SB Weekday Schedule Effective 5-30-2023 (Longer Governors Island hours)


Shuttle Bus Schedules 

Rockaway East Shuttle | RWE Shuttle Bus Schedule Effective 5-22-29-2023

Rockaway West Shuttle | RWW Shuttle Bus Schedule Effective 5-22-29-2023


Rockaway East Shuttle | RWE Shuttle Bus Schedule Effective 5-30-2023

Rockaway West Shuttle | RWW Shuttle Bus Schedule Effective 5-30-2023


Thank you for riding with us.

NYC Ferry

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